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We are glad you’re interested in learning more about our church. This page is intended to answer some of the questions you may have about us. We are an independent, baptistic, conservative Bible church.  If you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

In an age when churches are scrambling to adapt with the times, our hope is that, in a historical sense, Fairview Bible Church is a boringly normal, biblical church. We have no interest in reinventing the wheel or creating a “new kind of church.”

Our church is rooted in the conviction that the Bible is our absolute authority and rule of life as God’s true and unfailing Word. It is through the faithful teaching and application of the Word of God that we can grow to better know, obey, and love Christ.

So, we’re going to continue doing what Christians have done for the past 2,000 years—gather weekly on the Lord’s Day to corporately uphold and proclaim the Word and worth of God, and to affirm, equip, and edify one another’s faith in Christ through discipleship, corporate worship in song, the teaching of God’s Word, and the observance of the ordinances.

You’ll find when you spend time with us that we are far from perfect—but that we want to point you to the One who is.

When we Meet

Sunday Mornings

Sunday School — 9:30am
Main Service — 11:00am

Wednesday Evenings

Bible Study — 6:30pm

What To Expect

What Happens?

On Sunday mornings, we meet from 9:30am–10:30am for Sunday School (Bible classes for all ages), and 11:00am–12:00pm for our main worship service. The adult Bible class at 9:30am is more informal: we share announcements and prayer requests, sing two or three hymns together, and are taught from the Scriptures.

From 10:30am–11:00am, we break for food and fellowship. This is so that we can build into our gatherings ample time to encourage and edify one another. We encourage people to come for the whole morning, enjoy the break between services, and even stick around afterward for more conversation and fellowship. It's part of how we're trying to build a church that truly feels and functions like the family of God.

Our 11:00am Main Service is our main worship service, with several songs (old and new), followed by a forty-minute expositional sermon, and the Lord’s Table (observed on the first Sunday of the month). There are separate classes for children: infant through 3rd grade (4th–12th grade sit in the main service at 11:00am).

We also meet on Wednesday evenings from 6:30pm–7:30pm. This is a more informal gathering of the church family to pray for one another, read larger portions of Scripture, and discuss deeper questions of Bible interpretation and life application.
On the first Wednesday of the month, we enjoy a potluck dinner at 6:00pm, followed by Bible Q&A at 6:45pm-7:30pm.

Where Do I Go When I Get There?

When you come in the main entrance, the bathrooms are to the left, the sanctuary is to the right, and most of the classrooms are right off of the sanctuary. There will usually be someone at the front doors to greet you—feel free to ask them any questions you might have.

What Should I Wear?

We understand that someone’s “Sunday best” will differ with every family; please remember that when we gather with our fellow believers to worship Christ together, out of courtesy for others and reverence for God, we ought to wear presentable, modest, and respectable apparel (I Pet 3:3-4). You’ll see a wide range of clothing at Fairview Bible Church, and clothes should never be a hindrance to coming to worship and learn from the Scriptures.

What Will We Sing?

We seek to sing songs that are theologically rich and accurate, poetically modest and effective, and musically simple and appropriate. We find blessing in music from the 4th century to the 21st century. Most of us who are comfortable with music from one particular era or style have discovered, while at FBC, that we have come to enjoy other songs we had not previously encountered. We aim for strong congregational singing, which emphasizes the gathered body singing praise to God with one voice, over performed music, which tends to spotlight the abilities of some while encouraging passivity in the rest. Corporate worship molds and shapes the values and priorities of the covenant community. That’s why it matters so gravely how we worship, what music we employ, and what words we sing. Corporate worship is central in shaping how we think and feel about God. So it’s critical that we are singing rich truth, saturated by the Scriptures, supported by appropriate music—not cheap, sensual, or inane—and regulated by the careful study of the Word of God.

The Lord's Supper

We celebrate the Lord’s Supper on the first Sunday of each month. As we do so, we recall the death and resurrection of Jesus, renew our commitment to Christ and His church, and look forward to His return.
Anyone who has placed his faith for forgiveness and eternal life in Jesus Christ alone, and is in good standing and fellowship with Christ, is welcome to partake.

We hope you’ll join us as we seek to know Christ more deeply, follow Him more faithfully, and love Him and others more fully.

How To Contact Us

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